The Four Agreements World Of Books

With four simple statements, professor shaman and healer Don Miguel Ruiz seizes his own ancestry to present an effective code of conduct that dismantles negative concepts and beliefs that limit our own behavior. What this means is that a lot of stress can be created assuming you know what others are thinking without checking with them. Understanding that other people might have different motivations to act, even drastic worldviews on your part, and really remembering to try to understand others and discuss these motivations before jumping to conclusions about their behavior, can help prevent interpersonal conflicts. One drawback of the book is that some of the chords are too extreme, and if you take them literally, they can cause additional problems in your life if taken without a proverbial grain of salt. However, with a little balance and a sense of openness, these chords can change and alleviate stress. Here is an explanation of the four agreements. What this means is that this concept is to understand how the behavior of others is only a reflection of them. If someone gives us feedback on our behaviour or about us as human beings, it is important to remember that no opinion is really objective; We all have our prejudices, our filters, through which we see the world. That is why we should not regard the views of others on ourselves or our actions as perfectly correct. When someone talks about us, he really says something about himself and how he sees the world. Enter your mobile phone number or email address below and we`ll send you a link to download the free Kindle app. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet or computer – no Kindle device is needed. Don Miguel Ruiz`s famous leader of personal freedom is an inspiring and motivating read.

The Four Agreements establishes philosophical concepts in concrete and real situations and explores the benefits of being impeccable with your word, taking nothing personally, not making assumptions and always doing your best. The clear and concise chapters allow us to really sit down with these principles… and then turn them into direct and immediate action. If the agreements are sometimes too simplified, it is still a small book with some heavy ideas. Focusing on one of these chords can dramatically improve your life and reduce stress; Focusing on all four can really change a lot of people`s lives. If followed in a general and non-fanatical way, these proposals can help you reduce a large amount of stress by helping you avoid patterns of thought and behavior that create frustration, accusations, hurt emotions and other negative emotions. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz is a wonderful book for stress management and personal growth. It is written in simple language, but deals with complex topics that can help you make far-reaching changes in your life. What this means is that this agreement is intended to avoid gossip, lies, empty promises and other ways to create problems with our words.

Just say what you mean, and realize that you can cause damage if you are not careful with what you say. Points to Be Aware Of: This is good advice to help you become less responsive, defensive and retaliatory, but keep it in balance. While everyone has their own prejudices and there is no real objectivity, you can, by never taking anything personally, your ability to see your own negative patterns and biased ideas, really limit and work towards the development of healthier models and lucid thoughts. As Scott Peck says in The Road Less Traveled: «The problem of distinguishing between who we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems of human existence.»

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